This is the first of four articles on the topic of praying for our leaders. We are beginning a brand-New Year. It’s a time of hope and optimism. And as we begin a New Year with a New President, we need to be reminded that the Bible calls on Christians to pray for their leaders, both in and out of the election season. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2a, Paul says: “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority.”
In this article, we will look at prayer for the President of the United States, whether you voted for him or not. Donald Trump will take office on January 20th and needs our prayers. The question is, what should we pray for? Though the list below is not exhaustive, it’s a good start.
1. Wisdom: Pray that Donald Trump is given wisdom over complex problems facing our country and to carry out God’s will, serving the people with justice and truth. He will need a lot of wisdom to be successful in the challenges we face.
2. Strength: Pray that Donald Trump is given the physical and mental strength to do his job and not grow weary. As leader of the free world, a U.S. President’s job is taxing and demanding.
3. Courage: Pray that Donald Trump given courage in representing the citizens of our country, especially when it is challenging and hard.
4. Unity: Pray that Donald Trump is given the needed ability to work together with Congress for the good of the nation.
5. Humility: Pray that Donald Trump serves with humility and selflessness.
6. Guidance: Pray that Donald Trump is guided by God’s Spirit and will. This will require that He spends time in God’s Word and with God’s people.
7. Peace: Pray that Donald Trump helps people of our country and the world to live in peace. In 1 Timothy 2:2b, Paul concludes: “Pray…for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”
At the beginning of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln was discussing the sad turn of events with a minister after a church service. And the preacher said, “Let us have faith, Mr. President, that the Lord is on our side in this great struggle.” President Lincoln replied, “I am not concerned about that, for I know that the Lord is always on the side of right. But it is my constant prayer that this nation may be on the Lord’s side.” May God help us to be on the Lord’s side in every part of our government, beginning with the office of the President. As we go forward into 2025, may we pray for our President more and more.
Pr. Ray Ballmann
Glen Rose, Texas
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