2 Kingdoms Ministry exists to encourage and equip Christians to effectively engage in Church and Society.

Concerned Citizens and “The Black Robe Regiment”
Out of concern over matters of Church and State and prompted by the Spirit of God, 2 Kingdoms Ministry was conceived in August of 2021, and birthed shortly thereafter. The inspiration for the organization came partly through the example of Pastor Peter Muhlenberg and the “Black Robe Regiment.”
“Watchmen On the Walls”
The clergy of the Thirteen Colonies played a major role in America’s quest for independence during the 1700s. Pastors of the day commonly wore black robes. Those who championed the cause for freedom were tagged by the British with the derogatory term, the “Black Robe Regiment.”
These patriot pastors not only served as “watchmen on the walls,” keeping their parishioners informed of current events, but also encouraged and equipped them to be effectively engaged in both church and society. Freedom would most likely never been achieved (and subsequently kept) had it not been for the church, her shepherds and their flocks.

Doctrine of the 2 Kingdoms
“Apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
One of the great contributions that came out of the Protestant Reformation, thanks to Martin Luther, was his Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms. This doctrine teaches that God has ordained two kingdoms for the governance of man: the Right Hand Kingdom (Church) and the Left Hand Kingdom (State). Though both kingdoms serve different functions, each serve and complement the other, and neither can exist apart from the other. The primary role of the Right Hand Kingdom is to preach the gospel unto the salvation of souls and the transformation of lives; while the primary role of the Left Hand Kingdom is to protect the people from danger and evil by making and keeping the peace. The result of the Church doing her job effectively is “righteousness” (producing a righteous people) – righteousness which “exalts the nation” (Proverbs 14:34), resulting in “peace” (Isaiah 32:17 – peace with God, peace among men, peace within our borders, and peace with our enemies). A righteous people makes the State’s job all the easier, for such people govern themselves under the authority of God and His Word, making for good, law-abiding citizens, who have no need of the State’s “sword” to compel them to live quiet, peaceful, respectful lives (Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-3). The result of the State doing her job effectively is that it enables the Church to do her job effectively.
One of the great contributions that came out of the Protestant Reformation, thanks to Martin Luther, was his Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms. This doctrine teaches that God has ordained two kingdoms for the governance of man: the Right Hand Kingdom (Church) and the Left Hand Kingdom (State). Though both kingdoms serve different functions, each serve and complement the other, and neither can exist apart from the other.
The primary role of the Right Hand Kingdom is to preach the gospel unto the salvation of souls and the transformation of lives; while the primary role of the Left Hand Kingdom is to protect the people from danger and evil by making and keeping the peace.
The result of the Church during her job effectively is “righteousness” (producing a righteous people) – righteousness which “exalts the nation” (Proverbs 14:34), resulting in “peace” (Isaiah 32:17 – peace with God, peace among men, peace within our borders, and peace with our enemies).
A righteous people makes the State’s job all the easier, for such people govern themselves under the authority of God and His Word, making for good, law-abiding citizens, who have no need of the State’s “sword” to compel them to live quiet, peaceful, respectful lives (Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:1-3). The result of the State doing her job effectively is that it enables the Church to do her job effectively.

As Christians, we are citizens of both the Right and Left Hand Kingdoms.
God calls us to be good stewards of our dual citizenship, rendering to Caesar (State) the things that are Caesar’s, and to God (Church) the things that are God’s (Matthew 22:21).
Because the ills of both kingdoms are by nature spiritual, so then is the solution. Jesus said “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Because God had ordained two kingdoms for the governance of man, His call for us today is to repent and return to Him and His divine design for both kingdoms.