Silence is not always golden. Some have said, “Sometimes silence is yellow (cowardice)!”

We live at a time, when protests almost rule the day. Sadly, most of them are expressed in cruel and ungodly ways… anger, foul words, insulting gestures, disgusting signage, violent acts. These are paraded on the news day after day, night after night. It leaves the follower of Christ brokenhearted, discouraged, and even angry. It can easily get the best of us. One is tempted to withdraw into isolationism. Some believers are induced into a like behavior of anger, cynicism,  and demeaning rhetoric. Neither isolationism or cynicism are acceptable. There is a better and Godly way to respond.

We have been granted in Christ and by the Constitution of the United States of America freedom of speech. God forbid that Christians would be silent in the face of atrocities… abortion, sexual perversions, same-gender marriages, transgender mutilations, race bating and racial hatred, disdain for the suffering (homeless and starving), etc. Being silent is inexcusable. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. Speaking in anger without love or knowledge is foolish and counter-productive. Speaking truth in love is empowering and transformational.

Martin Luther gives an appeal to this issue…

“Must the Christian then, suffer injustice in silence? No.” In his exposition and application of the words Christ spoke to Pilate in John 19, he states, “We are to rebuke our Pilates in their brazenness and defiance… we should and shall endure at their hands of what they do to us; but we certainly do not intend to be quiet… For there is a great difference between these two: suffering injustice and violence and being quiet about it. One should suffer injustice and violence, but one is not to remain quiet. For a Christian should testify to the truth and die for the sake of truth. (W28, 361 -E50, 370 – SL 8, 935f)

 We are living at a time much like the days of the early church. Sin abounds on every hand. Sexual perversions are widely accepted and promoted. Human wisdom is worshiped and faith despised. Demonic practices are embraced, while the reality of Satan is denied. Religious rituals and performance are favored over Christ-Word centered worship and teaching. Thus it’s fair to ask this question, “What did the apostles do?” They stood up and spoke up.

Acts 5:27-29, “When they had brought them, they stood them before the Council. The high priest questioned them, saying, “We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.”  But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”

 In simple Christ-like faith, exercise your 1st Amendment Right… be a voice for righteousness and for the voiceless. Like the apostles, stand up and speak up for Truth.

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