At this writing, we are in the primary season where Americans from sea to shining sea are going to the polls to express their choice of candidates running for local, county, state and federal positions. This month I will be discussing The Christian and Voting. My topic today is Why Christians Should Vote. So let’s get to is: why should a Christian vote? Here are several good reasons:

  1. Voting promotes the application of biblical standards in the selection of elected officials to whose authority we are to submit according to Romans 13. Government is established by God.


  1. A Christian should desire to better the society in which he/she lives. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. Voting helps to seek good for those around us and to protect our nation (cf. Proverbs 11:3). Christian citizens should want the best for their nation.


  1. A Christian should be a good steward of the resource of freedom. Voting is a PRIVILEGE of our free nation. It was won and has been protected by the shed blood of patriots and should not be taken for granted. Voting is a part of stewardship to use the resources we have been given in a way that honors God. To waste a vote is to squander a gift. Unlike billions of people around the world, Americans, through the ballot box, control their political future. Truly, we are stewards of it, as we are stewards of everything else God has given us.


  1. Christians are commanded to pray for their leaders. (cf. 1 Timothy 2). In addition to prayer, voting demonstrates that you care about who fills the roles of government. Proverbs 29:2 reminds us that “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”


  1. Representative democracies simply cannot function unless people vote.We have a responsibility to preserve the republic by actively engaging in the democratic process that defines how it operates, (Isaiah 1:26). In a constitutional republic, the locus of power is the citizenry; the government derives its authority from the people. As Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist Paper 22, the consent of the people is the “pure original fountain of all legitimate authority.” This principle is not only foundational to our government, it provides citizens with incredible opportunity and responsibility.


If you really think about it, not voting is a form of voting, as it affects the outcome. Edmund Burke once said, “All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.” (cf. James 1:22-25). Voting in primary elections is particularly important! Nationwide, primaries only see about a 30% turnout of eligible voters in Presidential election years, and about 20% in non-Presidential election years. That’s a combined average of 25%.  That’s one in four eligible voters!!! Which means every vote carries more weight in determining which candidates end up in the general election.

So, what should you do next? Check your registration, confirm your polling place, download and review your sample ballot, and remember to take your photo ID and voter’s registration card. Please don’t refuse to vote simply because you don’t see an IDEAL candidate on the ballot. If Christians will get informed and then vote, they can make a HUGE difference. May God guide you as you carry out this crucial civic responsibility!

Pr. Ray Ballmann
Glen Rose, TX

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