“Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.” Philippians 3:1

“Students, please stand, cover your heart with your right hand, and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.” Every school day, in a one-room schoolhouse in Nunda, South Dakota, 15 other children and I repeatedly heard and practiced these words. Following the pledge, Mrs. Funk would lead us in a heartfelt prayer. It was the safeguard of repetition. Today in the Kingdom of the Church and the Kingdom of the State, it is a safeguard often sorely missing.

The value of repetition is unmistakable. Repetition of truth creates more than a lasting impression. It solidifies the fundamentals of God’s institutions. When truth is heard and repeated, it establishes a solid foundation upon which faith and facts can rest. The truth of God’s Word is the cornerstone of faith. The empirical facts of history, math, grammar, science, etc. provide the bases for education. Repetition is their safeguard.

In both the Church and in the State, accurate repetition of truth and facts is crucial. For example: the recent and upcoming celebrations of Ascension Day, Mother’s Day, Pentecost, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Flag Day can be strengthened by heartfelt repetition of the truths and facts that brought them into being. On the other hand, by ignoring them or through thoughtless repetition or a false narrative, their value can be undermined, lost, or even stolen. Both the Kingdom of the Church and the Kingdom of the State have witnessed a false narrative through the rewriting of Scripture and History. The time-worn adage, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” is tragically taking a heavy toll on our institutions. Yes, Satan knows the value of false repetition.

In light of this, Paul’s words to the Philippians offer a rock-solid foundation and a wall of protection. Both Scripture and History provide a wealth of truth and facts from which to glean. All that is needed is their faithful declaration and proclamation. Joyful, passionate, heartfelt repetition must be regarded as a ‘no trouble safeguard’ in the Church and in the State.

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