In Curt Smith’s book, Deicide, he address how eliminating the Deity is destroying America. In the Chapter 1, he describes deicide, the removal of The Divine from society, as national suicide. As Chief Operating Officer of the Indiana Family Institute, he recalls the effort to amend Indiana’s State Constitution with a single sentence affirming marriage as the union of only one man and one woman. While leaving the legislative gallery, after the Institute had managed a modest victory, Curt was confronted by opponents saying, “Are you happy, bigot?” Curt goes on to say, “The criticism fell into an all-too familiar pattern. The content of our legislation was irrelevant to the other side. They looked at our efforts and somehow concluded that the intent behind our words and work was malevolent, malicious, and bigoted… It was clear, the battle was not about finding common good. It was about the ‘words’ themselves.”

The question is simply this, “Do words have a fixed meaning?” Words like marriage, law, embryo, man, woman, family, etc. Like Curt, we gather the meaning for each of these words from our Creator. The unchanging Word of God, the Bible, is our source. The Divine, time honored meaning of words was the target. Instead of fixed meaning, these words and thousands more are being redefined. In a moment, on the basis of the world’s twisted understanding of equity and justice, a judge can replace the firm, fixed words of our Creator, with the unstable, ever-changing emotions of fallen man. As Curt rightly says, “That ends the rule of law, that ends the value of language, and it destroys the Word of God.” As he concludes, from the world’s perspective, it makes us bigots. Sadly, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Indiana’s and all other State’s Marriage Amendments.

The battles will rage on until Christ returns. Removing God from the public square is a threat to any society. Without a doubt, it Is a threat to our religious freedoms. With this in mind, what should our response as Christian citizens be? Embracing the truth that God has established two Kingdoms, Church and Government, is a solid foundation upon which our response can be built. Over the next few weeks, we will explore how Christians can engage as members of a Divine workforce.

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