Last week we explored the question, as American society spirals downward spiritually and morally, is there any hope? The answer is, if our society returns to Jesus and honors His Word, there is great hope for a wonderful and exciting turnaround. It can come as a revival. How one is needed today! America has several revivals in her history.  We looked at one last week. Today’s Messenger will look at a second American revival of the past—the Second Great Awakening.

The Second Great Awakening occurred from 1790 to 1835. Evangelist Charles Finney was one of the key revival leaders although many others participated. How did the revival impact the church? It sparked a great increase in church growth and attendance across the nation, particularly across New England. So much excitement and intensity accompanied evangelical revivals that in upper New York and Canada, areas were titled “Burned-Over Districts”—where spiritual fervor was so high it seemed to set the places on fire.

Further, the Second Great Awakening impacted education and led to the founding of numerous colleges and seminaries. The revival also led to the organization of numerous mission societies across the country, such as the American Bible Society (1816), American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (1810), American Sunday School Union (1817), American Tract Society (1826), and the American Home Missionary Society (1826).

What was the societal result of this revival? It had a tremendous effect on American society by spawning a large number of social reform movements. Charles Finney himself was a strong abolitionist and encouraged Christians to become involved in the antislavery movement. Christians also became the leaders in many other social concerns, such as education, prison reform, temperance, Sabbath observance, and women’s rights. The large numbers of Christian workers for social reform became so influential that the organizations they founded became known as the Benevolent Empire. It can be argued that the Second Great Awakening had a greater effect on society than any other revival in America.

Looking at our crumbling society, it is clear we need another revival. But how does it begin? It begins with prayer.  Are you willing to let revival begin with you? Dr A. T. Pierson, a pastor and missionary who preached over 13,000 sermons and wrote over fifty books once said, ’There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.’ D.L. Moody said “Every great work of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.” All revival begins with prayer. May we be the ones who start an unceasing quest for prayer for the Christian church and our country.


Dr. Ray Ballmann
Glen Rose, Tx

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