Is there any hope? As American society spirals downward spiritually and morally, people ask, “is there any hope?” Ultimately, our only hope is in Jesus. And if our society returns to Jesus and honors His Word, there is great hope for a wonderful and exciting turnaround. This is called a revival. A revival means a spiritual awakening or renewal. And how that is needed today! It is a true in the lives of all believers, myself included. Revival often begins in the church and spreads throughout society. Revival is an invasion from heaven that brings a conscious awareness of God. America has had approximately ten revivals in her history. This month the 2KM Messenger will consider some of the great American revivals and how they happen.

Today we are looking at the Great Awakening (1734-1743), which occurred during 1734-1743, and it was the first major revival that occurred in America. The revival came at a time when the Enlightenment and secular rationalism had taken hold, and passion for Christ and the church had grown stale. Sound familiar? Pastor Jonathan Edwards was one of the chief fathers of the revival. Evangelist George Whitefield also contributed significantly. In fact, people gathered by the thousands just to hear Whitefield speak. Even Benjamin Franklin, a religious skeptic, was captivated by Whitefield’s sermons, and the two became friends.

What were the results of the Great Awakening? It notably altered the spiritual climate in the American colonies and changed thousands of lives for the good. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister. Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly. In Virginia alone, the Methodist increased 1400% while the population grew at 200%. The Baptists held meetings that lasted 5-6 hours and often all night. The Great Awakening reinvigorated the church in America at a time when she was steadily declining. Does church decline ring a bell in today’s society? Churches at that time became more democratic—members could elect deacons and other leaders.  Since the people could govern their own churches, it is not difficult to see that they might be capable of governing themselves politically as well.

So, what effect did that revival have on society? The Great Awakening led to special unity between people in different colonies. Could we use more unity in America today?  The Great Awakening had a profound influence on the Revolutionary War by encouraging nationalism and individual rights. During the American Revolution, preachers were some of the most powerful members of the community. Many convinced members of their flock to help the American cause. In fact, the American Revolution might not have happened without the Great Awakening! Imagine that! The revival also led to the establishment of several renowned educational institutions, including Princeton, Rutgers, Brown and Dartmouth universities.

All told, the first great American revival dramatically altered our country for the good. Can a revival happen again? Yes, it can. It begins personally, grows in the church, then spreads well beyond. How we need a new, modern American revival. Revival comes by prayer. Please join me in praying for it!!!

Dr. Ray Ballmann, Glen Rose, TX

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