In this final article in the series of praying for our leaders, we are looking at praying for the leaders in our church Association—AFLC Officers and Staff, various leaders of our Corporations and Boards, and for our Pastors and local church leaders. The Bible clearly instructs us to pray for those who lead us in the church. The apostle Paul even asked for prayer: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. . .and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. (Eph. 6:18-20).
Church leaders have an extra amount of stress and responsibility (cf. James 3:1). We honor them and demonstrate gratitude by lifting them up in prayer. We should pray for their own spiritual and physical well-being, for them to be refreshed, and for them to know God’s peace and joy. We should pray for the effectiveness of their ministry and that it brings glory to God. All spiritual leaders benefit from prayer. What can you pray for?
1. Wisdom: Pray that God fills our spiritual leaders with His wisdom. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him, James 1:5. Ask God to grant them direction, discernment, and divine wisdom.
2. Make Scriptural decisions.Pray that God gives our spiritual leaders the ability to make biblically-sound decisions, especially when those decisions are hard or difficult. We live in a very challenging world. I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, Jude 1:3.
3. Servant-Leadership: Pray that God gives our spiritual leaders a servant’s heart. Peter admonishes church leaders, Be not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock, 1 Peter 5:3.
4. Divine Protection from the enemy: Satan works overtime on Christian leaders to discourage them or cause them to fall. Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God, Hebrews 13:7a.
5. For their families: Family members of spiritual leaders often help to bear the load of leadership. So, they need our prayers, too. Pray that our leaders have godly friends who will support and encourage them in time of need, for that too, is desperately needed.
It is often easier to pray for a spiritual leader with whom we have like-mindedness or agreement. It is more challenging to pray for a leader with whom we struggle. However, we are called to pray for our spiritual leaders regardless of our personal feelings. Ask God to help you respect and honor them even if you are in the midst of a disagreement with them.
Closing thought. Praying for our spiritual leaders brings glory to God. It helps us understand and be grateful for their sacrifices and the responsibility they bear. When we pray for our spiritual leaders, we are asking God to equip those He has placed in authority over us to carry out His purposes. May God bless our spiritual leaders!
Pr. Ray Ballmann
Glen Rose, Texas
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