In this final piece on Old Glory, I want to focus our attention on the last phrase of the Pledge of Allegiance, which reads “with liberty and justice for all.”  What marvelous things for which our Flag stands!

Liberty – personal freedom.  Our founding Fathers envisioned a framework of governance that would not only protect, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, our “unalienable Rights” (one of which is “Liberty”), but a framework that would maximize such personal freedom and minimize government control.  How’s that working out in our day and age?  The Flag of the United States of America stands for liberty – maximum personal freedom and minimal governmental control over our lives.

When people allow Christ pre-eminence in their lives they need very little governmental control, for the Spirit and the Word guides their thoughts, words and deeds along the path of righteousness, exalting the nation (Proverbs 14:34), which is what our Framers had in mind.

Justice – meaning fair treatment from the law.  Most would agree that our Nation’s current justice system is in bad shape.  Our Nation was set up to be guided by, among other things, the rule of law – equal application of the law.  This, too, is a biblical concept.  One of the most grievous abominations to God is a justice system of unjust weights, scales and balances (Proverbs 11:1; 20:10, 23; Deuteronomy 25:13-16).  Leviticus 24:22 tells us that we are to have one law for the sojourner and for the native.  In other words, equal application of the law for all; not one set of rules for the elite and ruling class, and another set of rules for everyone else.  According to Scripture, our justice system is to be just that – just.  But all too often it is not.  Our Flag stands for a Nation governed by the rule of law, where justice is upheld and meted out with impartiality as judges and magistrates refrain from legislating from the bench and simply uphold the rule of law with just weights, scales and balances (Deuteronomy 16:18-20).

For all – in particular, all citizens.  Proverbs 24:23 and 28:21 state the obvious: Partiality in judging is not good.

The sojourner (or as in our Nation’s current dilemma – illegals pouring across our borders by the millions) should not be given treatment (special, preferential, or other) not afforded to the citizen, nor at the expense of the citizen, but justice (as “for all”) under the rule of law.  Partiality is unjust and an abomination to the Lord; and if allowed to continue unabated, will not fare well for the nation.

Yes, liberty and justice – personal freedom and fair treatment from the law – for all, all citizens.

What marvelous things Old Glory stands for: a Constitutional Republic, a Nation under God, indivisible [united], with liberty and justice for all.

May the living out of our lives reflect allegiance to the Flag and all for which it stands, not just for our sake, but for the sake of our posterity, and all to the glory of God, Who is the Author and Perfecter of true liberty and justice for all.

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