Our focus in this fourth part of the series “Old Glory” is on the word “indivisible.”

We recite those precious words: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible…

Indivisible.  What does that mean?  In this particular context, it means a country that cannot be divided.  Sadly, our Nation, currently, is greatly divided.  The dream and goal expressed in the Pledge of Allegiance is an “indivisible” nation.

Why is this important?  It’s important because, in the words of Jesus, “…a kingdom…divided against itself…cannot stand” (Mark 3:24).  A house/kingdom/nation divided against itself, if not rectified, will inevitably implode.

So, what is it that unites “we the people”?  What unifies us are the core beliefs and values forming the foundation upon which our Nation rests: an allegiance to a Constitutional Republic, one Nation under God, and being “indivisible” regarding these (and other) building blocks.

We read in Psalm 33, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (v. 12).  Psalm 11 warns: if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (v. 3).  The implied answer is: Nothing!  However, until the foundation is destroyed there’s plenty the righteous can and should do.  At risk of over-simplification: We can pray!  And should!!  For prayer is our chief endeavor, for the prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects (James 5:16).

Is our Nation’s foundation destroyed?  I don’t believe so.  Crumbling, yes; destroyed?  No, not yet.

Besides prayer, we children of God need to get down on our knees and confess: our sin, the sins of nation, and the sins of the Church that God may heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).  We need to call the Nation back to building upon its (original) foundation and chief cornerstone.

Every house-builder will tell you that the most important thing in building a house is the foundation and cornerstone.  If either one is faulty, the entire structure will eventually collapse.

What is the foundation and cornerstone of the U.S.A.?   I believe the Pledge points to the parable recorded in Matthew 7:24-27.  A house built exclusively upon the solid rock is a house that will weather the storms of life and stand the test of time.  That foundation and cornerstone: Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:6; Ephesians 2:20).

Our God (Jesus) is that Rock upon which our Nation was built and rests.  Isaiah 44:8 says, Is there a God besides Me?  Or is there any other Rock?  I know of none.  There is no other.

If our Nation is to be “indivisible” “we the people” need to recognize the foundation upon which our house was laid, cherish it, and continue to build upon it unashamedly and unapologetically, according the divine design of our Rock, using His tools and materials.  Anything other is to build upon the shifting sand…


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