My name is Ray Ballmann. A clinical counseling degree, life experience, and 42 years of pastoral ministry have given me insight into the challenges families face in the twenty-first century. I authored several published books, two with Crossway Books and one with Bridgestone Publications. Over the years I’ve been privileged to speak at numerous homeschooling and family life conferences across the nation and on various radio and TV outlets proclaiming the importance of dynamic Christian living in a fallen world. I serve on the board of the Texas state homeschooling organization with 27 employees.

I received a Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology from Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri, followed later by a Doctor of Ministry and an honorary Doctor of Divinity. I have served a pastor since 1979 in Lutheran churches in Wisconsin, Missouri, Louisiana, and Texas, and have planted four churches.

God has given me ample life experiences in the secular world as well—my own multi-line insurance agency, serving as a Justice of the Peace, as a certified state Guardian, as a Policy Director for Texas HHSC, and as Compliance Officer for the Texas Supreme Court. In each I have purposed to live a bold Christian witness in an ever-darkening society. I currently serve as a municipal judge in Texas and a bi-vocational pastor of Word of Truth Free Lutheran Church in Glen Rose, Texas. I tell you this background in hope that you can see that I practice what I preach in what I’m about to say.

I’m a founding member of Two Kingdoms Ministry and our purpose is to highlight the importance of Christians as citizens in both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. Martin Luther was key in highlighting the significance of Christian activity in both these domains. Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.”

When a Christian man is at home, he is to be a godly husband and father—a very important role. When he goes to work, he puts on a different hat and serves his employer as an engineer or a policeman, etc. Also, a very important role. Both roles are needed, and both serve an important cause. There would be a lack if either role was omitted. Similarly, as Christians we are called to serve in the spiritual world as well as the created world for the glory of God. There would be a lack if we served in only one of these two spheres. Both are desperately needed.

Fellow Christian, let us serve God by actively as both salt and light in today’s challenging society. And there is no time to waste as life passes by as quickly as a vapor.


Blessed be His glorious Name!

Pr. Ray Ballmann
Word of Truth Church, Glen Rose, Texas
Two Kingdoms Ministry — Steering Committee

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