“You know what irritates me? These Christians who think God tells them how to vote and think politically. I don’t think God has a political agenda. I don’t even think God is a Republican.”

I hear this often, and I respond by trying to establish common ground, beginning with God’s existence. If we can then agree that God being omniscient knows what is going on in the world, and that God being just and righteous approves what is right and disapproves what is wrong, then we should be able to agree that God abhors tyranny, slavery, genocide, and other evils.

I then ask, “If God abhors such evils, is it reasonable to think He may communicate His abhorrence to us?” Most will agree that is reasonable. When I ask how He communicates, people may hesitate so I follow up with “Is it reasonable that He would communicate with us through His Word, the Bible? And with this backdrop, the possibility that God’s Word may address political issues becomes more feasible.

Still, some will say, “But the Bible isn’t a political textbook; it is a book about salvation and godly living.” Certainly it is, but the Gospel is more than salvation. The Great Commission includes, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20).

“But does that include politics?” Well, He says “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). Does that include killing unborn children? At the very least, wouldn’t you agree that’s worth studying?

“Ok, maybe God is pro-life, but does He address other issues?” I think He does. His Word says a lot about our responsibility to the poor, crime and punishment, war and military service, even about environmental issues. If we’re not going to talk about those issues, we’re not preaching the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).

Studying and explaining the relevance of God’s Word to God’s kingdom of the left, civil government, has been a major mission in my life. I began my professional career as an Air Force Judge Advocate (attorney) and transferred to the Reserves to attend seminary. After years of teaching in law schools, I now serve as Senior Counsel & Resident Scholar for the Foundation for Moral Law, pastor of two rural Alabama churches, and write and lecture about the intersection of the two kingdoms.

Through the 2 Kingdoms Ministry, I hope to address your questions and equip you to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ to the civic realm.

Col. Rev. John Eidsmoe
2 Kingdoms Ministry Steering Committee

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