2 Kingdoms Patrons,

Greetings.  As Pointman of 2 Kingdoms Ministry, I’m pleased to announce a couple of things.  One – the launch of our website (August of 2023); and two – the kick off of our website blog page.

The 2 Kingdoms blog will cover a variety of two kingdoms (Church & State) topics, intended to encourage, equip and challenge.  To begin the posting of our blogs, our Steering Committee thought it best that each of us introduce ourselves to you…

So, let me introduce myself to you.  Born and raised in Roseville, Minnesota (a northern suburb of St. Paul), I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Recreation and Parks Administration (with an emphasis in “Camp Management in the Ministries”).  From the “U” I was off to the seminary (Luther-Northwestern, now Luther Seminary) in St. Paul, graduating in 1984 with a Master of Divinity Degree.  Being ordained that same year, I have since served congregations in Warroad, MN; Williston, ND; Northwood, ND; Thief River Falls, MN; and currently Loveland, Colorado.

I became rostered with the AFLC (Association Free Lutheran Congregations) in 2000, after having been removed from the ELCA clergy roster.  Synodical insiders told me that my being removed was due to the synod’s tiring of my conservative, evangelical, biblical, pro-life approach to ministry.

My wife (Kim) and I have been married since 1985.  We’ve been blessed with five children (two girls and three boys, one of whom is adopted – rescued from abortion thanks to the work of the Grand Forks, ND, Crisis Pregnancy Center).  Our middle son, Joel, died on March 3, 2020 at the age of 26, as a result of a single vehicle rollover in North Dakota.

In ministry, my priorities have been: my relationship with the Lord, my marriage and family, my parish (in that order).  Until recently, I’ve chosen to be involved in one thing outside of parish ministry: the pro-life cause.  For over forty years I’ve been involved with Lutherans for Life, occupying State Board positions, as well as seats on the Board of Directors for local crisis pregnancy centers.

Only recently has my territorial ministry been expanded – the 2 Kingdoms Ministry, being deeply passionate about the two kingdoms ordained by God for the governance of man (Church and State) and our being good stewards of our dual citizenship.  And, most recently, my current congregation has taken steps to provide an alternative to the widespread government sponsored institutions of indoctrination and re-education camps (school) by creating a homeschool co-op for families seeking a “safe place” for their children to learn and be taught objective truth of all subjects, not the least of which is our Nation’s good and godly heritage and its constitutional framework of governance.

Well, that’s a little bit about me and my passions…  In the following weeks you’ll be hearing from our other Committee members.

Greg Schram

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