Mid-month we begin the Season of Lent.  What has Lent to do with the Two Kingdoms?  Plenty.

Lent is a time of spiritual renewal.  The word itself means “spring” or “springtime.”  The Season is to be understood as a time of rebirth and renewal; a time when the dormancy of winter gives way to the birth of spring; a time when death gives way to life.  We see it all around us in nature.  Soon the snow and ice will melt away and new life will spring forth.

In the early Christian Church Lent was a time for penitents to prepare for Baptism and entrance into the Church.  Examining one’s self for sin was certainly involved.

From the time of the Exodus on, in preparing to celebrate the Passover, the Jew would search his home for and purge it of leaven.  We, too, are called to do the same.  Having residency in two homes (Kingdoms) we also ought to use these 40 days to search our homes (especially our own heart) for leaven (sin and iniquity) and rid ourselves of it.

After the conquest of Jericho, Israel was met with defeat at Ai (Joshua 7).  Achan had “broken faith” at the battle of Jericho.  He had taken for himself things that were to be devoted to destruction and things to be devoted to God.  His personal transgression impacted the Congregation and Nation (Israel).  His leaven leavened the whole lump.  Until Israel got rid of the sin in their camp they would be unable to stand against their enemies.  The same principle applies to us as individuals, which has implication for both Church and State.

As we search our home for leaven, let’s pay particularly close attention to things we have hidden in the earth beneath our tent that have no business being their – things we need to unearth and devote to destruction; and other things that we’ve kept for ourselves that need to be devoted to God.

Let’s begin that cleansing by praying a great Lenten Psalm, Psalm 139:23-24.  Search me, O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

 Buckle up and hang on!  For if we pray this Scripture sincerely for forty days, God will reveal to us what’s in our heart.  Though it may be uncomfortable (we may not like what we see), by God’s grace we will be prompted to confess and repent, whereby we can be cleansed and renewed – a springtime mist for you and me, and our place of residency: the Two Kingdoms (Acts 3:19).

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