David Barton, founder and president of WallBuilders, beautifully draws our attention to one of God’s
2 Kingdom truths. He states,

“The incarnation and birth of Jesus is so seminal that it forms the center of how the entirety of history
is viewed by the Western world, with all events being dated backward and forward from that single
occurrence. Thus, our calendar notates years with the abbreviations A.D., signifying Anno Domini
(Latin for “the year of the Lord”), and B.C., signifying “before Christ.” Jesus is literally the fulcrum
point for every incident (in government and in the church) in the history of the world.” The Founder’s
Bible pg. 1543

Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ Jesus, Savior of the world. It is the leverage point for both
the right and left Kingdoms. All events pertaining to government and all events pertaining to the
church find their dating based on Christ’s incarnation. As David Barton notes, even our founding
fathers incorporated this acknowledgment of Christ into the Constitution of the United States… “in the
year of our Lord, 1787.” And every church document from baptismal to death certificates notes the
same… “in the year of our Lord.”

Barton also warns the church of a disturbing effort that is presently underway. He states,

“There is a movement among today’s secular progressive academics and writers to expunge any
acknowledgment of Jesus as the central figure of history. Thus, they replace the traditional B.C.,
meaning ‘before the common era’, and A.D. with A.D.E., meaning ‘after the common era.” The
Founder’s Bible pg. 1543

* By the way, they evidently don’t understand that the only thing that could make the common era
common is Christ!

Consider what is recorded in Matthew 2:3-4; “When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him. Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of
them where the Messiah was to be born.” Lest adults and children of our generation be uninformed and
lose sight of the 2nd Coming of Christ, as Herod lost sight of the coming of the Messiah, 2
Kingdoms Ministry endeavors to publicly draw everyone’s attention to the importance of knowing and
teaching that this Christmas will be celebrated on December 25th… “in the year of our Lord, 2023.”

Pastor Michael Brandt,
2 Kingdoms Ministry Steering Committee

(2 Kingdoms Messenger from 12/12/2022)

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