This month we are discussing the Christian and voting. My topic today is The Impact of Missing Christian Voters. If you were trying to put a puzzle together to form a beautiful picture, but half the puzzle pieces were missing, you would have a big problem. Our Founders pictured an engaged and inform electorate. However, that’s not what we have today. America has morphed into a lethargic electorate with too many political couch potatoes that are neither informed nor engaged.

Ever wonder what the impact is when Christians don’t vote? It is estimated that the number of non-voting Christians is about 44% of the 90 million eligible Christians (all denominations). That’s a massive percentage. About 15 million Christians are not even registered to vote. So, these non-voting Christians cannot bring the light of their Christian influence into the dark parts of our culture. Yet that’s precisely the milieu into which Christ calls us to take the hope of the gospel, (cf. Mt 5:13-15). I can’t help but wonder what Biblically-minded candidates might have made it into office if these missing Christians had voted. And what policies not pleasing to God would never have made it into law or regulation? What freedoms might not have been forfeited? I wonder if our national debt would be standing at 34 ½ trillion dollars?

Of course, if missing Christian voters start showing up at the polls, it would be best if they have an informed mind. It is never prudent to step into a voting booth and select candidates based on TV and Radio ads or name recognition. When propositions are on the ballot, they too, need advance research and thought. How might a Christian make a determination on who/what to vote for? What can assist him?

Reading the party platforms will give you a starting point on the positions a candidate has voluntarily chosen to affiliate with. A summary comparison of the national platforms of interest to Christians is available at: However, you are encouraged to read the platforms in full. As you do, ask yourself which positions are or are not pleasing unto God, and which ones are offensive and egregious to God. Beyond this, here are two guiding principles:

First of all, For the Christian, God’s Word should be his/her primary guide. The Christian’s foremost guide to measure all candidates, all political positions, and all ballot propositions, should be God’s Holy Word. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 110:105). What political views are opposed to the clear teaching of God’s Word? Some candidate positions and voting record will be blatantly obvious, while others, due to political contortion and smoke and mirrors, will require some research and thought on the part of the voter.

Second, Voter Guides from the right sources can be helpful. I encourage you to make use of Voter’s Guides as part of carrying out your due diligence. It is worth reviewing the voting record and/or positional stances from several voter’s guides that have a Biblical perspective. Some I’ve used in the past are:

Ponder this question: What would happen if the 40 million Christians who don’t currently vote, actually became INFORMED and STARTED VOTING? Answer? IT COULD MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Pray for an awakening among Christians who don’t vote. Pray that they not only decide to vote, but become informed ahead of time. And may you and yours set a powerful example!

Pr. Ray Ballmann
Glen Rose, Texas

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