The Two Kingdom Ministries seeks to encourage Christians, both pastors and laity to be active citizens of the two kingdoms to which we belong; the eternal kingdom of God (Mark 1:15), and the State, which is also established by God to punish the wicked (Rom. 13:4).

Perhaps a good example of the Right-hand Kingdom working to guide the Left-hand kingdom is represented by the evangelical Churches in Washington State. This past winter, the State legislature passed ESSB 5599 which exempts organizations from notifying parents about their children seeking abortions or gender surgeries. Such children will be provided the services, and the State will seek “reunification” with the parents after the fact, if the State deems the parents “safe”. This horrific legislation results from a humanist world view that believes there is no God, and so man gets to determine what is true and what is right. The Washington Speaker of the House gloated over this legislation stating it was “necessary to protect our children” His humanist world view thinks children belong to the State, not to their parents.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington (FPIW) immediately responded by coordinating with evangelical congregations all over Washington to distribute Referendum 101, which will put this ungodly State law before the voters in November. The evangelical Church is the starting point to gather the 200,000 signatures required. A daunting task! And yet the Church is working for families, to protect their rights to raise their children free from State sponsored deceptions that have permanent, wicked, outcomes.

The FPIW is the Washington arm of the nation-wide Family Policy Alliance; founded by Focus on the Family in 2004, and is now represented in 40 states with more than 320 employees, $40 million in annual revenue, over 40,000 church partners, and millions of Christian advocates.

The FPIW works alongside 39 other state family policy councils, and in tandem with other national organizations to advocate on issues of life, marriage, religious liberty, and parental rights. The FPIW and FPA also work hand in hand with The Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Family Research Council to defend biblical values in America.

So today, the evangelical Church working with and through FPIW seeks to be a godly correction to a corrupt state led by an antichristian humanist world view. This is an excellent example of the Christian being a good citizen in both kingdoms. If you see the great need in our fallen world for Christians to turn aside the massive influence of the antichristian world view that dominates our culture and society, then I encourage you to support the work of your local Family Policy Alliance chapter in your state.

Our first calling and duty is to share the gospel in this lost world, that souls may be saved. But we can also serve our nation by helping to guide policy. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1Cor. 15:58)


Rev. Calvin Willard
Calvary Lutheran, Everett, WA.

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