A significant event contributing to the story of Christmas, but often forgotten, is what became known as “the Massacre of the Innocents” (commemorated on either December 28 or 29).  It is the story, recorded in Matthew 2, of Herod’s ordering the massacre of all male children in Bethlehem and surrounding regions, under the age of two, in the hope of destroying one child in particular – the newborn king (Jesus).  It was foretold of by Jeremiah (31:15-17).

Though the prophet speaks to the unspeakable slaughter of Israel’s children during Babylon’s invasion of Judea, the parallels are striking to the massacre of the innocents in Matthew 2, as well as with Pharaoh’s order to kill all Hebrew male infants at the time of Moses’ birth (Exodus 1:15-15).

That was then; but what about now?  The “massacre of the innocents” continues to this day.  I’m referring, of course, to abortion.  Regarding Matthew 2:13-18, Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, says “Unbridled wrath, armed with unlawful power, often carries men to absurd cruelties.”  How true – then and now.

Most Biblical historians and demographers estimate the total number of male children under the age of two in Bethlehem at the time of the massacre to be no more than 20 to 40.  In our country, since the legalization of abortion (January 22, 1973) more than 68,305,000 babies have been sacrificed to the demon-god: “pro-choice.”  Though the numbers have recently been trending downward, the rate remains at one slaughtered baby every 23 seconds!

2 Kingdoms Ministry seeks to encourage and equip Christians to be effectively engaged in Church and Society.  God intervening to save the life of His only Son from Herod’s evil edict models for us what we are to do in our time and place in history.

We are to uphold the sanctity of life from conception onward, protecting and rescuing the vulnerable and innocent (Prov. 24:11).  For God is the Creator of all human life (Ps 100:3); and with Him no pregnancy is unplanned nor unwanted; for every conception was preconceived by God before the foundations of the world were ever laid (Eph. 1:4; 2:10).

Therefore, we speak the truth in love…  We strive by God’s grace to overturn evil edicts…  We come along side of women and men deceived by the Deceiver to heal their broken hearts, bind up their wounds and comfort those who mourn.  With love and compassion we share the good news of the gospel (the forgiveness of all sin), that though they lament and weep now, God offers hope for their future (Jer. 31:15-17).

The forgotten story of Christmas – the Massacre of the Innocents (then and now).  We will never forget, nor will we remain silent!


Pastor Greg Schram

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  1. Michael Brandt December 30, 2024 at 7:28 am - Reply

    Good and necessary correlation!

  2. David Skordahl December 30, 2024 at 9:49 am - Reply

    Excellent! So true!

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