Throughout the month of September we’ve been focusing on the words of Nahum: “Dress for [the day of] battle” (2:1).  This week we consider the final piece of “under armor” with which to dress ourselves: BOLDNESS.

Throughout their ministries both Peter and Paul prayed and requested prayer for boldness.  Times haven’t changed.  Then and now, there is great need for believers “to speak thy word with all boldness” (Acts 4:29), and to “boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19-20).

Do you have a problem with boldness (the lack thereof)?  I do.  And I suspect I’m not alone.  We’ve a story to tell…a story to impact the Right and Left Hand Kingdoms, a story that requires boldness in its telling.  The reason being is that the story we are called upon to proclaim and practice is at odds with the world around, a world (Church and State) that plays a different tune to which her citizens in increasing numbers dance.  Yes, even the Church.  Sadly, we live in a day and age when even the Church repulses at the sound of the pure, unadulterated gospel, choosing to dance instead to the deafening beat of a different drummer.  All the more reason for boldness.

With both Church and State in dire need of revival, reformation and resuscitation, now is not the time (and never is it) to be tampering with God’s Word, exchanging the truth for a lie (2 Cor. 4:2; Rom. 1:25), and remaining silent in the midst of demonic doctrines being proclaimed and practiced (yes, even in the church).

We not only need to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), we also need to speak it boldly.

As we sing in that great gospel hymn: “We’ve a story to tell to the nations That shall turn their hearts to the right, A story of truth and mercy, A story of peace and light…  We’ve a song to be sung…a message to give…a Savior to show…” (Ambassador Hymnal #308).  Yes, we’ve a story to tell; and it needs to be told with all boldness.

Let’s get ourselves up to a high place (Hab. 3:19), lift up our voice with strength, fear not, not be silent and not rest.  Let’s proclaim and practice with all boldness the world’s only hope: the one and only message of Him who saves souls, transforms lives, and brings peace.

Let’s pray for one another that God would grant us the grace to boldly proclaim (and practice) the mystery of the gospel!

We’re in the midst of a great warfare.  So let’s heed the words of Nahum: “Dress for the day of battle.”  Put on the whole armor of God, as Paul would say (Eph. 6:11); and beneath that armor, dress yourselves by being: strong in the Lord (in body, mind and spirit); keeping alert with all vigilance; praying constantly; standing fast, making use of the two swords given us by God; and by being bold!


Pastor Greg Schram
2 Kingdoms Ministry Steering Committee

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