The prophet Nahum tells us to dress for the day of battle (2:1, ESV).  Beneath the “armor of God” we need to dress ourselves with “under armor” – clothing consisting of five items.  So far we’ve considered (1) being strong…in body, mind, and spirit, (2) keeping alert with all vigilance; and (3) being constant in prayer.  This week, item #4 – standing fast.

God tells us to “be steadfast, immovable” (1 Cor. 15:58).  In other words, stand your ground.  To the Ephesians, Paul wrote “give no opportunity to the devil” (4:27).  The Greek word translated here as “opportunity” is topos, from which we get the word “topography” or “territory.”  We are called by God to give no territory to the enemy.  For far too long the Right Hand Kingdom has either been allowing the enemy to take from us our blood-bought ground, or we’ve been shamefully surrendering sacred territory to him.  It’s time we take it back!

The story is told in 1 Samuel 30 when David and his men were out fighting battles.  They made a critical mistake.  They left no one to guard their camp; and as a result the enemy invaded and stole their wives and children…  Upon discovering this, David prayed to the Lord, asking “Shall I pursue this band?  Shall I overtake them?”  And the Lord answered: “Pursue; for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue.”

We need to pursue and overtake, taking back that which has been stolen from us and that which we have shamefully surrendered, to once again have, keep and guard.  To this end we need to be properly “armed” as I’m sure David and his men were.

Before leaving the upper room for the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told his disciples to sell their mantle and buy a sword (Lk 22:36).  One of the disciples said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords,” to which Jesus answered, “It is enough” (v. 38).

In standing fast we need to take up arms.  Two swords are needed.  The words of Jesus tells me a couple of things.  One – not everyone needs to have a “sword,” but some do…  In rebuilding the walls, Nehemiah instructed the people to work with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other (Neh. 4:13-23), telling them to “fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes” (v. 14).  The Temple of the Lord always had armed guards (1 Chr. 9).  It’s wise and prudent (not to mention biblical) that our churches have safety and security teams of some sort.

Two – there are two swords with which to arm ourselves.  (1) The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17), having divine power, not only to destroy (enemy) strongholds and all arguments to the contrary of God’s truth (2 Cor. 10:4-5), but to save souls as well (Rom. 1:16) – a sword everyone should have in hand; and (2) actual weapons of defense: swords, spears, coats of armor, etc., as Nehemiah says, which some, not all, but some should have in their other hand.

Dress for the day of battle.  One of the garments to wear beneath the armor of God is the under armor of “standing fast” and being “immovable” – keeping and guarding what is ours, giving no more topos to the enemy; and that which we have in the past, we pursue and take back, taking up arms (the two swords) given us by God for this purpose.


Pastor Greg Schram
2 Kingdoms Ministry Steering Committee

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