September’s theme comes from the Book of Nahum, where the prophet tells us to dress for [the day of] battle (2:1).  Beneath the “armor of God” (Eph. 6:11) we need to dress ourselves with “under armor” – clothing consisting of five items.  Last week we focused on “being strong” – an under-garment made of three fabrics: (being strong in) body, mind and spirit.  This week we’ll consider two more under-garments: keeping alert and being constant in prayer.

The Scriptures abound with exhortations to keep alert (Eph. 6:18; Acts 20:31; Luke 21:36).  Could 9/11/01 been prevented had we kept alert with greater vigilance?  God only knows.  Such tragedy serves to remind us of the need and the necessity of keeping alert with all vigilance.

Scripture calls us to be “watchmen on the walls” (Ez. 3:17ff) – that we stay away and pay attention to the signs of the times and the seasons in which we live (Matt. 16:3; 1 Thes. 5:1).  Jesus once told a parable of a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while his servants were “sleeping” an enemy snuck into his field and sowed weeds…(Matt. 13:24-28).  For far too long we watchmen have failed to stay away and keep alert.  While asleep at the wheel the enemy has snuck into our field and sown weeds among the wheat.  We’ve failed to recognize the seasons and the signs.  We need to wake up and stay awake!  We need to hear and heed the admonition of Christ to keep alert with all vigilance, watching and discerning what’s going on around us at home and abroad, and knowing how best to respond.  Keep alert with all vigilance.

The other item of clothing is prayer – that we be constant in prayer (1 Thes. 5:17).  These two items of “under armor” wear together nicely.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus exhorted his disciples to stay awake, watch and pray (Matt. 26:36-46).  James tells us that the prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects (Jms 5:16).  By the power of prayer mouths of lions can be stopped, mountains can be cast into the sea, and armies can be sent running away!  Prayer is arguably the most important item with which to adorn ourselves.  It is something we all can do, from youngest to the oldest of saints.   Let’s do what the disciples did, and ask Jesus to teach us to pray (and pray effectively).   And then, let’s spend much time daily in our “war room” praying without ceasing.

As we dress for battle, let’s remember to put on these two items of under armor: keeping alert with all vigilance and being constant in prayer.


Pastor Greg Schram

Lutheran Church of Hope
Loveland, CO
2 Kingdoms Ministry Steering Committee

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