The truth that motivates 2 Kingdoms Ministry is that the Christian is responsible to be a good citizen of
God’s Kingdom first, and also a good citizen of the State; in our situation, a mostly functional republic.
For the Christian, Jesus calls us to “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God
the things that are God’s.” (Mt. 22:21). Jesus places Caesar first in this verse only because the question
was one of paying taxes. Throughout the Scriptures the message is clear, whenever there is a conflict
between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of men, “We ought to obey God rather that men.” (Acts
5:29). Jesus condemned the Pharisees because “They loved the praise of men more than the praise of
God.” (Jn. 12:43) And Jesus rebuked Peter saying, “… you are not mindful of the things of God, but the
things of men.” (Mt. 16:23)

Dr. Glenn Sunshine in his excellent 184 page book entitled “Slaying Leviathan, Limited Government and
resistance in the Christian tradition”, deals with how the Church should respond when the state’s laws
and policies conflict with God’s statutes. Sunshine is Professor of History at Central Connecticut State
University and Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian World View.

From the back cover: “This book introduces theories of unalienable rights, resistance, and limited
government that were synthesized into a coherent political philosophy by John Locke… influenc(ing) the
American founders….”

Sunshine begins at the beginning. The Christian Church was violently persecuted by the State for 300
years, and yet survived and prevailed over the Roman Empire; thus establishing that the Church is and
always will be a distinct and separate institution from the State. Being always separate in spheres of
authority, the two have existed in tension ever since. In his short history Sunshine reveals the
development of unalienable rights, those given by God, which cannot be taken or given away. When
denied these rights Protestant resistance theory responded with a clear plan of action that is especially
useful in our republic.

First, attacks on our liberty are to be responded to by use of legal means. Christians should be
supporting one of the many Christian legal teams defending the First Amendment, such as Alliance
Defending Freedom, the Liberty Counsel and others.

Second, the Church should work through “lesser magistrates” to overturn or invalidate bad laws or
policies. These lesser magistrates include our county governments and sheriff, then State legislatures
and Governors etc. This approach is being employed by many states in America to resist the invasion of
transgender athletes into women’s sports, for example.

Third, The Church can practice civil disobedience – disobeying the ungodly law and accepting the
consequence. Note the last phrase; because we live in a republic, self-defense is justified when required,
but active resistance to government (i.e. revolution) is not.

Ultimately, Sunshine concludes: “for Christians, we must never forget that the most powerful tool at our
disposal is corporate worship and prayer. This was recognized by the Founders, including Benjamin
Franklin, probably the least religious of the all….” This excellent book reminds me that thoughtful
theologians and statesmen have wrestled with the same issues of our day. We should remind ourselves
of their important conclusions.


Rev. Calvin Willard
Calvary Lutheran, Everett, WA

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