Last week the 2K messenger reviewed Rod Dreher’s book “Live Not By Lies, a manual for Christian
dissidents”. Dreher’s key point was that Christians can and must stand against lies perpetuated by the
State, Corporations, the Media and Academia. “See, Judge, Act”, were his watch words. Christians can
see the antichristian forces working in our county, and even unbelievers can judge for themselves about
the unnatural, unhealthy (even demonic) homosexual and transgender life styles; but how to act?

First of all, Dreher’s research in the former Eastern Bloc nations, and inside Russia itself, revealed the
vital importance for Christians and the Church to proclaim the truth. Under Soviet Communism, truth
bearing literature was passed and studied covertly among Christian households (often at the risk of
imprisonment). Not only were the true teachings of the Bible brought to two generations of children in
home basements, and kitchens, but also the lies of Marxism and humanism were exposed by parents
and grandparents who refused to live by lies. Christians networked to “See, Judge, and Act.”

These actions are required in extreme cases where the Church is actively suppressed by the State. But
how should the Church respond here in America and the West where it is not yet suppressed, but still
suffers from “soft totalitarianism”; that is, the coercion of State, Academia, Media, Arts, and Corporate
influence. You know these coercions exist:

  • Military and other public agencies forcing members to attend and endorse the homosexual and
    transgender movement.
  • Academia firing professors deemed as oppressors. (Ex. last month ST. Philips Community College
    in Texas fired a science professor of 22 years for teaching that human sex and gender were
    determined by X and Y chromosomes.)
  • Social and Mainstream Media blocking true stories and removing bloggers and writers who go
    against the woke agenda.
  • U.S. President signs Gay Marriage Bill that will coerce Christian schools and other Christian
    agencies to comply with the LGBQ agenda. Etc.

The second action Dreher calls for falls upon the Church. In “The Benedict Option, a strategy for
Christians in a post-Christian nation”, Dreher points out the Church can no longer do business as usual.
Antichristian Humanism has control over every major institution in America that affects people’s world
view. Humanism has captured about 60 percent of the Church in America, and even more in Europe.
Every major denomination is experiencing much of their “leadership”, seminaries, pastors, and
congregations following after the world instead of God’s Word. The result is prophesied in the Bible;

“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes
first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above
all that is called God….” (2Thes. 2:3,4)

The Pew Research Center finds that today, only 4 percent of the U.S. population have a biblical world
view. What we see today is the Left Hand Kingdom destroying the Right Hand Kingdom. The true Church
will always prevail against the gates of hell, but not necessarily in America or the West. If the Church is
to carry out its mission in the world, and specifically in America, it needs to be much, much more
diligent in “Seeing, Judging and acting.” The Church needs to practice much greater discipline in standing
for the truth of Scripture and exposing the lies of humanism (apologetics!).

Yes, teach the Bible first, and follow Christ’s example and teach about hell and judgment upon unbelief.
Teach the Law and the Gospel, but teach creationism also! Prepare your young people for the onslaught
of humanistic anti-Christian lies they receive from our public schools. There is a ton of science material
to help you (See Answers in Genesis). Teach world history (Like the 1,000 year Muslim conquest that has
captured 2/3 of Christendom.) Teach biblical truth about God creating men and women. Teach that
indeed God gives those who worship the creature instead of the Creator, over to a debased mind (Rom.
1:28). Support your local Christian school, start a Christian school if you can. Always support home
schooling within your congregation.

The Benedict Option is not a prescription for the Church to withdraw from the good fight of faith, but to
discipline itself to win the good fight of faith. Prepare yourself, and your congregation to act righteously
in the face of persecution (as mentioned above). Dreher calls for the Church to tighten its belt and
stiffen its resolve to stand for Christ and the biblical world view. He calls for the Church to strengthen
itself within the Christian community by supporting Christian employers, supporting Christians standing
alone in the legal battles for religious freedom. Stand together with Christian legal teams such as
Alliance Defending Freedom. But above all – stop compromising with the world. Compromise is the
devil’s game. Compromise does not win souls, but only causes apostasy.

If the True Church will stand in the West, to win souls for Christ, it must be diligent, and disciplined as
never before. In service to Christ.

Rev. Calvin Willard
Calvary Lutheran, Everett, WA

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