Comment Policy

We would love to hear from our readers and want to encourage positive interaction. Comments can provide valuable feedback and encouragement to our writers, and this helps foster a sense of community.

However, these comments are only useful when they are genuinely intended to advance the discussion of the topic presented and do so in a respectful manner. Spam, in any form, will not be tolerated. This is not a place to advertise. Also, while opposing viewpoints are certainly allowed and discussion encouraged, any comments that are deliberately inflammatory or rude will not be permitted. All comments will refrain from personal attacks and foul language.

Open and civilized discussion is welcome at any time. We intend to review and post comments as soon as possible, however, please note that response times may vary. We strive to respond to questions on the same day we post them.

Comment moderation is at the sole discretion of the moderator or administrator. If you feel that your comment was improperly handled, you may contact us at: