Last week we began a discussion of the question, Should Christians serve in government? We looked a variety of ways Christians can and should serve, from voting to running for office themselves. Today’s and the next two articles will look at biblical figures who were used by God to serve. This article will reflect on Joseph.

Joseph’s early lot in life seemed unfortunate. Joseph was beaten by his brothers, thrown down a well and then sold into slavery. Later he was wrongly accused of attempted molestation and imprisoned as a result. Even in jail he struggled to get a break. Pharaoh’s cupbearer forgot him and left him incarcerated. But despite the trials Joseph faced, he never acted out of bitterness or appeared to complain about his situation. Instead, he chose to engage positively in the world around him, to take on responsibilities and be a leader. As a result, Joseph consistently rose to the top.

Often, we complain that politicians lack integrity. Joseph not only demonstrated integrity in action but also that having it can cost you everything. Throughout the story, Joseph’s integrity “seems” to work against him. But the bigger picture shows that God continually honored Joseph for his strength of character and blessed him.

Pharaoh appointed Joseph to be the governor of Egypt, second only to himself (See article: “Joseph, Governor of Egypt” by Jacob Isaacs).  Joseph’s promotion brought him significant trappings of leadership: a royal signet ring and gold chain, clothing appropriate to his high office, official transportation, a new Egyptian name, and an Egyptian wife (cf. Gen. 41:41-45). Joseph governed the Egyptian people for approximately 80 years (See article: “Joseph – The Biblical Timeline”).  In this powerful government position, Joseph was perfectly placed to care for God’s chosen people during the famine. As Genesis 45:7 tells us, God put Joseph into this position in order to save the Patriarchal family who would become the nation of Israel. Addressing his family when they came to Egypt in desperate need of food, Joseph stated that “God sent me ahead of you… to save your lives by a great deliverance. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt”.

Joseph’s story is a powerful example of how one individual’s actions can have a profound impact on an entire nation. If we believe that Christians are the most in tune with the heart of God, then how important it is that believers are in positions of authority to honor God and secure a better future for all people.

Pastor Ray Ballmann
Word of Truth FL Church

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