• Lent and the Intersecting of Two Kingdoms – Part 3
    February 19, 2024

    Lent is a time for deep spiritual introspection, which is intended to lead to true repentance and subsequent cleansing (forgiveness) and renewal, the effect of which is reconciliation with[...]

  • Lent and the Intersecting of Two Kingdoms – Part 2
    February 12, 2024

    In two days the Season of Lent begins – 40 days plus in which we, by God’s grace, exercise spiritual disciplines for rebirth and renewal in preparation for the[...]

  • Lent and the Intersecting of Two Kingdoms
    February 5, 2024

    Mid-month we begin the Season of Lent.  What has Lent to do with the Two Kingdoms?  Plenty. Lent is a time of spiritual renewal.  The word itself means “spring”[...]

  • Public Servants
    January 29, 2024

    Is it proper to encourage believers to serve in public office? Without a doubt the answer is “Yes.” Moses, Joseph, Nehemiah, and Esther all served under the appointment of[...]

  • Your First Amendment Right
    January 22, 2024

    Silence is not always golden. Some have said, “Sometimes silence is yellow (cowardice)!” We live at a time, when protests almost rule the day. Sadly, most of them are[...]

  • An Ideal Official
    January 15, 2024

    I’m sure you’ve heard this statement… “If you find the perfect church, don’t join it. Because, when you join it, it will no longer be perfect.” The same is[...]