As mentioned in the previous Messenger article, Christians will above all want to pray before voting. Ask the Lord for guidance and don’t rely on your judgment alone. The Bible says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5-6). When a Christian votes in a primary election (happening now) or in the general election (November), what sort of things should they consider in a candidate before casting their vote?

First, vote for candidates who know and understand the U.S. Constitution and are committed to interpreting it according to the strict intent of the Framers. Vote for candidates that refuse programs and expenditures that the Constitution does not authorize.

Second, vote for candidates who best uphold Christian principles. Ask yourself, ‘Are the candidate’s views on important moral issues BIBLICAL?’ Here’s a brief sampling:

Religious freedom. Will the candidate hinder Christians and Christian churches from exercising their faith in Jesus Christ, or will they diligently protect Christian liberty?

Sanctity of human life. Will the candidate promote abortion, or will they fight for the sacredness of life in the womb and at every stage of life?

Gender Will the candidate support policies that communicate gender is malleable, or policies that reinforce that God made us distinctly male or female in His image by His divine choice? Will the candidate back policies that support puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and gender reassignment surgeries to help gender dysphoric individuals change their birth identities? Will the candidate embrace public policy that supports transgender preference practices, such as participation in gender-specific sports programs, unfettered access to public bathrooms of one’s preference, and the criminalization of “misgendering” individuals? Does the candidate support tax-payer funding of gender reassignment surgery?

Morality matters! Christians should Biblically-evaluate candidates in light of these and many other important moral questions and vote for candidates that stand on the side of God’s Word.

Third, vote for candidates who believe in true justice. This is becoming more and more important to voters in today’s political climate. Is the candidate committed to a fair and righteous judicial system? A judicial system is not fair if it operates out of political prejudice, bias, payback and inconsistent judgments instead of fairly applying law no matter who’s the defendant. Isaiah 1:17a says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression.” Psalm 106:3 declares, “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!”

Four, vote for candidates who have demonstrated the ability to lead well. If the candidate has already served in a government office, whether city, county, state or federal, examine their track record and ask these questions: What did they do to improve the economy, stop crime, and maintain peace and order in our land? Did the candidate in any way abuse their political power to serve their own interest or those of wealth and influence?

The Christian’s conscience should be informed by the Holy Spirit, Scripture, reason, and wise voices in the church.  As followers of Christ, we must not “give approval to those who practice” what God Word declares to be morally evil (Rom. 1:32). May God bless your vote!

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