I’m sure you’ve heard this statement… “If you find the perfect church, don’t join it. Because, when you join it, it will no longer be perfect.” The same is true, when we’re looking for the perfect government official. There’s never a perfect one. And even if you should run for an office and be elected, you won’t be perfect either. However that doesn’t mean a follower of Christ, who is sensing God’s tug to serve, shouldn’t run.

I love these words of Martin Luther concerning an ideal official…

We shall close by stating in a summary way that a prince’s (official’s) duty is fourfold. It consists (1) in true confidence in God in in sincere prayer; (2) in love for his subjects and in Christian service; (3) in a discriminating mind and unfettered judgment toward his counselors and men of influence; (4) in moderate severity and strictness toward evildoers. If he practices these virtues, his position will be properly taken care of outwardly and inwardly and will be pleasing to God and to the people. But he must expect much envy and trouble. The cross will soon rest on the shoulders of an official, who has such an aim. (W11, 278 – E22, 102f – SL, 414)

During the coming year we will all be hearing, more often than we wish, the rhetoric of candidates. Often times it’s irritating and sometimes it’s disgusting, but it is necessary. How should we weigh the process? Let me suggest the following:

  1. Listen with a Biblically discerning ear.
  2. Consider these markers: comments, character, convictions.
  3. Recognize the difference between promises and reality.
  4. Give preference to platform over performance.

For most of us, the process is frustrating. In reality, it cannot be done in any other way. Therefore, by the grace of God we accept our role. As faithful Christian citizens, we pray and exercise our responsibility to vote according to the discernment His Spirit and Word provide. And, as in all things, we confidently leave the results to God, our Sovereign King, Who is Lord of Heaven and earth.

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