I had the privilege of receiving my elementary education in a one room school house in Nunda, SD. Each
morning our teacher would lead us in prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the American flag. A current
picture of the President of the United States was properly displayed. She regularly prayed for him, our
congress, our state and community leaders, and members of the armed services. God used her witness to
shape my convictions and my character. It was here I first saw pictures of the paintings in our Nation’s
Capitol Building. Many years later, I was able to see those same paintings in person.

Historian Stephen McDowell’s writings have helped me understand the importance of the following: All
the paintings in the Capitol Rotunda present the influence of Christianity has had in our Nation’s history.
Columbus, Pocahontas, the Virginia Charter, praying Pilgrims departing Holland…paintings that ‘speak’
of God’s hand of blessing upon our Land!

In the House Chamber, directly behind the Speaker’s rostrum, our nation’s motto is inscribed in letters of
gold…”In God We Trust.” This same motto is also prominently displayed above the main doors of the
Senate. The Capitol’s Prayer Room has an open Bible sitting on an altar before a stained glass window
depicting George Washington in prayer. Etched in that window is Psalm 16:1, “Preserve me, O God, for
in Thee do I put my trust.”

The Christian heritage of America is entrusted to us. Each of our Capitol’s buildings and monuments
speak of God’s miraculous hand of blessing. 2KM desires to motivate each reader in an “In God We
Trust” life of faith. Only by faith in Christ can we fulfill our Christian calling in the Kingdom of the State
and the Kingdom of the Church.

In His Care,

Pastor Michael Brandt,
Director of Shepherding the Shepherds, and
2KM Steering Committee Member

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