If you or your family ever have the honor of visiting or re-visiting our Nation’s Capitol, I encourage you to take your time so you can fully absorb the heritage of Christian faith that has dramatically enabled us to be a blessed nation and a blessing as a nation.

The evidence of the influence of God and His Word is indisputable.  On the outside and inside of our Capitol’s buildings, on each Memorial, and even at the Arlington National Cemetery, God’s voice of blessing and freedom sound forth.  God welcomes us to join our voices with His.  A choir of righteous influence producing an anthem of effective Christian citizenship.

At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, this inscription is carved in marble… “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”  ‘Known but to God’ is a word of comfort.  To know God knows is enough… the One, Who created him, the One, Who died for him, the One, Who offers eternal life.  The One, Who calls all of us into His service.  2KM believes Christians are called to consider where and how God would possibly have them serve… in the prayer room, or in faithful service as an elected official, or honored duty in our military, or any of a multitude of ways He can make His people effective for His glory and the good of our Nation and the furtherance of His Kingdom.

Known to God and by His grace, making Him known to our Nation!

In His Care,

Pastor Michael Brandt,

Director of Shepherding the Shepherds, and

2KM Steering Committee Member

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