The first time I visited our Nation’s Capitol, as I walked up the steps of the Supreme Court Building, my
heart rejoiced in the influence Scripture has had upon the State’s judicial system. On the outside of the
building, a marble relief of Moses holding the Ten Commandments is prominently displayed. Stephen
McDowell writes, “Inside the Supreme Court, above the heads of justices, between two allegorical images
representing the power of government and the majesty of law are two tablets of stone marked with Roman
numerals I through X.” Ten moral truths of guidance and protection.

We are currently living at a time of rising lawlessness. Repeatedly, the foundations of moral law are
being chipped away. Right is called wrong and wrong right. Lower courts have often been manipulated
to undermine the constitutional rights and freedoms of our Republic. These efforts seek, by democratic
majority rule, to overthrow truth and reason. The result is chaos.

Thus the importance of the Supreme Court’s authority over lower court rulings is vital. In David Barton’s
Founder’s Bible it is recorded that each day the court is in session, a crier ends his call announcing the
formal opening by declaring, “God save the United States and the Honorable Court.” May our prayer be,
“Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen.”

Praying for the Supreme Court’s justices is of primary importance. Based on truth and reason, the
American legal system corrupted by humanism puts the church and its influence at risk. Kneeling before
Almighty God, in Jesus’ Name, is our best defense.

In His Care,
Pastor Michael Brandt,
Director of Shepherding the Shepherds, and
2KM Steering Committee Member

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