Historian Steven McDowell states, “A tour of historic sites in America reveals that this was a nation
birthed by men who had a firm reliance upon Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ. Particularly as
expressed in the capital city, Washington, D.C., our nation’s faith in God is inscribed upon our buildings,
monuments, and national symbols.”

As a time when many are seeking to rewrite American history and in many cases tear down historical
monuments and statutes, it is necessary for righteous men and women to stand up and speak up. 2KM
believes that it is, as our Nation’s history reveals, incumbent upon every Christian to become engaged.
God’s complement design of State and Church is beautifully displayed in our Nation’s Capital.
McDowell draws our attention to Capital buildings. Beginning with the Library of Congress, where a
copy of the Gutenberg Bible is displayed, a quote of President Andrew Jackson declares, “The Bible is the
rock upon which our republic rests.” There is no doubt, our founders revered the guiding influence of
God’s counsel.

McDowell’s description of the Main Reading Room reveals quotes representing various fields of
knowledge… Moses and Paul represent religion, “What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly,
and love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” (Micah 6:8) Science is represented by… “The
heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1) McDowell
concludes with this inscription in the Main Reading Room… “One God, one law, one element, and one
far-off divine event, to which the whole creation moves.”
Beginning in our own homes, it is our privilege and responsibility to pass on the undeniable influence the
Church has had upon the State. With that in mind, may we faithfully stand up and speak up for

In His Care,
Pastor Michael Brandt,
Director of Shepherding the Shepherds, and
2KM Steering Committee Member

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