Dual citizenship… as a South Dakota, USA follower of Christ, I believe I am a citizen of Heaven and a citizen of the United States of America. In 1889, South Dakota became a State in the United States of America. This is indisputable. In addition, I have a birth certificate stating I was born at Sioux Valley Hospital of Minnehaha County, Sioux Falls, SD on May 23, 1947. This is also indisputable. And hold on to your hat, there were numerous witnesses present in June of 1965, when God did what only He can do, at North Preston Lutheran Church in Kingsbury County of rural Lake Preston, SD, causing me to be born again to a living hope through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! This too is indisputable. Therefore, I have dual citizenship.

As Luther states, Christians are to be loyal citizens. He writes,

“By the way, although the Gospel does not subject us to the judicial enactments of Moses, it does, of course, not free us entirely from obedience to all secular law but subjects us in this bodily life to the laws of the state in which we live. That is, the Gospel bids everyone obey his government and its laws, not only for the sake of the anger his disobedience will call forth, but also for the sake of conscience.” (Romans 13:5; 1 Peter 2:13f.) (W40 I, 673)

As Christians our lasting citizenship is in Heaven. However, as Luther would remind us, our Heavenly citizenship should be evident in our earthly living, during our temporary, bodily citizenship…

“But our citizenship, is with Christ in Heaven, that is, in yonder life. For this we are waiting. We are hoping to be released from this world, as the Jews hoped to be released from Babylon and to go where we shall be citizens and lords forever. But since we must continue in this misery of our Babylon as long as God wills it, we should do as they were commanded to do. We should live with the people here… be peaceable in our relations with our fellow men, also pray for them until the hour arrives in which we are to depart for our home…. We should aid in maintaining the common civic and domestic peace and by our advice and help serve and benefit even the wicked and ungrateful. Meanwhile, however, we are continually to remember and ponder our inheritance and the Kingdom for which we are destined.” (W21, 345 – E8, 270f-SL 12, 572f))

2KM desires to stimulate every citizen of Heaven, while on earth, to effectively live out your earthly, bodily citizenship to the Glory of God and the wellbeing of both the good and the wicked.

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